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Multiplayer Tic Tac Toe Game - Source code || Sahil Haryana

In this project we created a fully functional and working multiplayer tic tac toe online multiplayer game using JavaScript.

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Souce Code

Dark mode light mode button

To make this Dark mode toggle button we will use JavaScript and some HTML and some CSS as well. Click below to learn more..


On Scroll Animation

Animate your website while scrolling: Installation First, you need to install the AOS library. You can do this by linking the following stylesheet in your <head> Click below to learn more...


Source code available for you

1. Animate your website while scrolling - Source code
2. Dark Mode Light Mode Using Javascript
3. Premium Instagram clone - Source code
4. Text Typing animation using HTML, CSS only
5. User registraion system using HTML CSS, JavaScript and MYSQL, PHP
6. Working contact us page using Web3Forms

Text typing animation

In this project, we utilized the typing.js library to craft a captivating typewriting animation. By following just a few simple steps, we successfully achieved a stunning CSS text typing effect


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